
时间:2020-03-06 广播稿 点击:



A:1936年春,国民党政府的东北军将领张学良和十七路军将领杨虎城,接受了中国共产党联合抗日的主张,停止向红军进攻,并多次要求蒋介石联合抗日。蒋介石不但不接受他们的建议,反而调动大批军队政要围攻红军。 12月4日,蒋介石带领www.is97.com 南京政府的大批军政要员到了西安,督促张学良、杨虎城出兵进攻陕北的红军。12月9日那天,西安1万多名学生游行请愿,向蒋介石驻地临潼前进,要求联合抗日。蒋介石布置军队架设机枪拦阻还命令张学良、杨虎城用武力镇压。形势十分严重。张学良赶去劝阻,学生们悲愤地高呼:“我们愿意为救国而死,我们前进吧!”张学良深受感动,表示要用实际行动答复他们的抗日要求。

B:12月12日清晨,张学良和杨虎城联合行动,派东北军冲进临潼华清池的蒋介石驻地,解除了蒋介石卫队的武装。蒋介石从睡梦中惊醒,听到枪声,连衣服也没有穿,就慌忙跳过后墙,躲到了骊山的一块岩石旁。东北军战士冲进蒋介石的卧室,不见蒋介石,只见他的衣帽等都还在,一摸被窝,还是暧暧的,便立即搜山。天亮以后,战士们在山上逮捕了蒋介石。同时二七路军将士也解除了西安城里反 动军队的武装,控制了飞机场、火车站、电台等要害部门,跟随蒋介石来西安的国民党军政要员,被全部扣留了,当天,张学良、杨虎城通电全国,要求停止内战,联合抗日。这就是“西安事变”,又称"双十二事变"。

A:西安事变发生后,中国共产党从全民族的利益出发,主张和平解决。党中央和毛主席派周恩来、博古、叶剑英等 到达西安, 与各方面进行协商,周恩来提出:只要蒋介石答应抗日, 就释放他, 以争取一切力量抵抗日本帝国主义的侵略。由于中国共产党的努力和全国人民的压力,蒋介石被迫接受了停止内战、联合抗日的条件。张学良释放了蒋介石。这样,西安事变得到了和平解决,抗日民族统一战线初步形成。西安事变的发生及其和平解决最终结束了内战,实现了国内和平,推动了国共两党的再次合作及其团结抗日的斗争,并且取得了抗日战争的最终胜利。


A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The Foal Eagle radio stations now on the air. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates.

B: Hello, everybody, I ***.

December 12 is the anniversary of the Xi"an Incident. "September 18" Incident, headed by Chiang Kai-shek"s Kuomintang government aggression against Japan adopted a policy of non-resistance. Japanese troops quickly occupied the land in Northeast China and North China. Serious moment for the Chinese nation in peril, Chiang Kai-shek was still adhere to the "Resisting Foreign Aggression" ** policy. August 1, 1935, the Communist Party of China advocates the establishment of a national anti-Japanese national united front, the KMT government to stop the civil war, unanimously. The National People"s response to the call of the Communist Party of China, to set off anew upsurge of anti-Japanese national salvation.

A: 1936 In the spring, the Nationalist government of the Northeast Army generals Zhang Xueliang and the 17th Route Army generals YangHuCheng accepted the proposition of the Communist Party of China joint anti-Japanese, to stop the attack to the Red Army, and repeatedly asked Chiang joint anti-Japanese. Chiang Kai-shek not only do not accept their proposals, but the siege of the Red Army to mobilize a large number of troops dignitaries. December 4, Chiang Kai-shek led a large number of military and political officials of the government of Nanjing to Xi"an urge Zhang Xueliang and Yang sent troops to attack the Red Army of Northern Shaanxi. On December 9, Xi"an more than 10,000 students parade petition to Chiang Kai-shek resident Lintong forward requires a joint anti-Japanese. Chiang Kai-shek furnished troops set up machine guns blocking also ordered Zhang and Yang force to suppress. The situation is very serious. Zhang Xueliang rush to dissuade students shouted bitterly: "We are willing to died for national salvation, we move forward!" Zhang Xueliang deeply moved, with an actual action to answer their anti-Japanese requirements.

B: 12 ​​morning, Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng joint action to send the Northeast Army rushed into the the Huaqing Pool of Chiang Kai-shek resident, the lifting of the Chiang Kai-shek Guard armed. Chiang Kai-shek woke up, heard the shots, even the clothes did not wear hurriedly skipped back wall, hid in a rock next to Lishan. The Northeast Army soldiers burst into the bedroom of Chiang Kai-shek, but not Chiang Kai-shek, and I saw his hat are also touched the bed, still warm warm, they immediately found Hill. After dawn, the soldiers were arrested in the mountains of Chiang Kai-shek. While twenty-seven Army officers and men relieved Xi"an town reactionary army armed control of the airports, train stations, radio stations and other critical sectors, following the military and political officials of the Kuomintang of Chiang Kai-shek in Xi"an, have all been detained the same day, Zhang and Yang energized the country, to stop the civil war, the Joint Anti-Japanese. This is the "Xi"an Incident", also known as "Double 12 Incident".

A: After the Xi"an Incident, the Chinese Communist Party proceeding from the interests of the whole nation, and advocated a peaceful solution. The CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao sent Zhou Enlai, Ye Jianying, Bogut, wait until Da Xian consultation with Zhou Enlai proposed: as long as the Chiang Kai-shek promised anti-Japanese, on his release, to fight for everything in their power to resist the Japanese imperialist aggression. Pressure due to the efforts of the Communist Party of China and the people of the country, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to accept the stop the civil war, the conditions of joint anti-Japanese. Zhang Xueliang release of Chiang Kai-shek. In this way, the peaceful settlement of the Xi"an Incident, the initial formation of the anti-Japanese national united front. Occurrence of its peaceful settlement of the Xi"an Incident finally ended the civil war, to achieve peace in the country, again co-operation to promote the KMT and the CPC and the unity of the anti-Japanese struggle and the final victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Foal Eagle radio station today broadcast ended, the students, goodbye!

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