
时间:2020-03-08 广播稿 点击:



说起中秋的来源,中国民间一直流传着多个不同的传说和神话故事。其中就有嫦蛾奔月、朱元璋起义、唐明皇游月宫等,这些都是同学们耳熟能详的故事。在中国,中秋夜除了拜祭、还有就是应节的月饼和灯笼。祭拜的当然是www.is97.com 在天上的嫦娥,也有人称她为月娘。时至今天,中秋的原意也已经没有多少人知道,对于新的一代来说,中秋节最令人记取的还是那香甜的月饼和五光十色的灯笼。当然,月圆当空的节日,也是人们喜庆团圆的大好日子。



在唐代,中秋赏月、玩月颇为盛行。在宋代,中秋赏月之风更盛,据《东京梦华录》记载:“中秋夜,贵家结饰台榭,民间争占酒楼玩月”。每逢这一日,京城的所有店家、酒楼都要重新装饰门面, 牌楼上扎绸挂彩,出售新鲜佳果和精制食品,夜市热闹非凡,百姓们多登上楼台,一些富户人家在自己的楼台亭阁上赏月,并摆上食品或安排家宴,团圆子女,共同赏月叙谈。


B:我国城乡群众过中秋都有吃月饼的习俗,俗话中有:“八月十五月正圆,中秋月饼香又甜”。月饼最初是用来祭奉月神的祭品,后来人们逐渐把中秋赏月与品尝月饼结合在一起,寓意家人团圆的象征。中秋吃月饼,和端午吃粽子、元宵节吃汤圆一样,是我国民间的传统习俗。古往今来,人们把月饼当作吉祥、团圆的象征。每逢中秋,皓月当空,阖家团聚,品饼赏月,谈天说地,尽享天伦之乐。 月饼,又称胡饼、宫饼、小饼、月团、团圆饼等,是古代中秋祭拜月神的供品,沿传下来,便形成了中秋吃月饼的习俗。







A: Dear teacher, classmates Good morning everyone! The air now. I *** with me today and broadcast *** classmates.

B: Hello, everybody, I ***. Today is China"s traditional festival Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival has been hailed as the most humane, the most poetic of a festival. People often say, every festival pro. Mid-Autumn Festival on the thoughts of their loved ones will, of course, more profound especially when moon onlookers moment.

Lunar August 15 was called the Mid-Autumn Festival, because day in Sanqiu being. On this day, the full moon in the sky is exceptionally bright, especially the large special round, so months to the Mid-Autumn Festival is exceptionally bright, "said.

Speaking of the source of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese folk has been circulating a number of different legends and myths. Among them Chang moths flying to the moon, the emperor uprising, the Tang emperor amusement Moon Palace, these are the students familiar with the story. In China, in the autumn in addition to the graves, there is the festive mooncakes and lanterns. Worship, of course, is in heaven Chang E, and called her Yueniang. To the original intent of the Mid-Autumn Festival, not many people know, for a new generation, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the most remember is that sweet moon cake and colorful lanterns. Of course, the full moon festival in the sky, but also people happy reunion big day.

A: Mid-Autumn Festival, the most important activities of people enjoy the full moon and eat moon cake.

Autumn twilight on the eve of records in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the customs of China since ancient times, the full moon, "Book of Rites", that is to worship the goddess of the moon. The Zhou dynasty, during the Mid-Autumn Festival to be held in the face cold and fiesta month. Set the the large incense table, put the moon cake, watermelon, apples, plums, grapes and other seasonal fruits, including moon cake and watermelon is definitely not small. Watermelon is also cut into lotus-shaped.

In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn moon, rather popular Wanyue. The wind has flourished in the Song Dynasty, the Mid-Autumn full moon, the According to "Tokyo Menghualu" record: "in the autumn, your home knot ornaments Taixie folk to contend for the restaurant Wanyue. Every day, the capital of all the shops, restaurants must be re-decorated facade archway the tie silk wounded, sell fresh good fruit and refined foods, bustling night market, the people who are mostly boarded up the house, some well-off people in the towers. pavilions on the full moon, and put food or arrange a family dinner, family reunion, children, co-full moon Telling.

After the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Mid-Autumn full moon customs still many places formed bucket incense burning tree Mid-Autumn Festival, point tower lights, sky lights, walk the moon, fire dragon dance special customs.

B: China"s urban and rural people have to eat moon cake festival custom of the old adage: August 15 perfect circle, the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cake fragrant and sweet ". Initial offering unto the offerings of Luna, and then people gradually Mooncake with the taste of moon cake moon cake together, meaning the symbol of family reunion. Mid-Autumn Festival to eat moon cake, and the Dragon Boat eat dumplings, the Lantern Festival eating rice balls, our folk traditions and customs. Throughout the ages, the moon cake as a good luck symbol of reunion. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, bright, family reunion, quality cake full moon, chatting and enjoy their grandchildren. The moon cake, also known as Hu cake Palace bread, tortillas, monthly group reunion cake, ancient Mid-Autumn Festival worship Luna offerings, along passed down, they formed a custom of Mid-Autumn Festival to eat moon cake.

The moon cake was originally made in the family, Qing Yuan Mei Sui Garden Fresh single record there is the practice of moon cake. In modern times, with specialized workshops making moon cake, moon cake production more and more subtle, the fillings elegant, good looks, fine pattern, such as "Moon" is printed in the moon cake outside, "Galaxy Night Moon, "" Three Pools Mirroring the Moon ". Reunion months round Mega Man to the cake round Mega Man Standing born with a moon cake sustenance miss home, miss pro Emotion, praying for good harvest, happiness, have become the world people"s wish, moon cake was also used as a gift to send pro-gift Friends liaison feelings.

A: The ancient Chinese people attach great importance to the Mid-Autumn festival of this reunion, scant, rabbit, Empire Court, contains the number of moving stories. Moon cake people, symbolizes thick the family. The Mooncake combined with the taste of moon cake, symbolizing their families. Therefore, whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival, people for a miss family will more deeply.

On August 15, a day full of warmth and a warm others also can warm days.

Teachers and fellow students. The traditional festivals of various ethnic groups, each nation"s long-term accumulation of cultural heritage the traditional festivals implies the spirit of the nation. Implies the value orientation of the nation, the implication of the nation"s cultural roots. As a contemporary young students, we must not only understand the form of traditional festivals, more importantly, is to excavate and explore the hidden value of the traditional festival behind. "The fashion stuff is blinding, but the nation something long-lasting."

Sea rise the moon, 天涯共此时. At this moment, we have more to look forward to the reunification of the motherland, national prosperity, peace and prosperity.

Finally, I wish you a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a family reunion!

热门标签: 八月十五中秋节的意义 八月十五中秋节是什么生肖




